Maya Therapies

Relieve Your Pain
Come Back Into Balance
Enjoy Free Movement​

Are you suffering from any of the following?

- Back pain
- Sciatic nerve pain
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Knee pain
- Hip and pelvic pain
- Tension headaches
- Poor bladder issues
- Sore and achy feet
- Tight calves
- Fluid retention in ankles

Located in Armidale, Maya Therapies specialises in the Emmett Technique, a gentle touch-point therapy that releases restricted nerve fibers, providing instant relief from pain and discomfort while promoting holistic well-being for the mind, body, and spirit.

The Emmett Technique

The Emmett Technique

The Emmett Technique is a simple to apply, light touch body therapy created by Ross Emmett. This internationally recognised technique is taught and practiced in over 40 countries and is equally effective on both people and animals.

What Is It?

The Emmett Technique is a neuromuscular touch-point therapy which releases restricted nerve fibers within the tissue, allowing instant relief from pain and discomfort. It is a non invasive and safe therapy used to improve balance, flexibility and muscle elasticity, reduce inflammation, accelerate healing and relieve pain and discomfort.

How It Works

Emmett therapy acts by triggering a relaxation response in the soft tissues of the body. It is based on the belief that the brain has the ability to self-evaluate and re-calibrate using sensory receptors within the body. The technique works on unique micro points within muscles and muscle groups and needs to be performed with the right pressure, in the right direction and with precise timing to achieve the best outcome.

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Emmett Services for Horses

This amazing modality isn’t just for people. It works beautifully on animals too!

I have taken a short course in ‘Emmett for dogs’ and am now in the process of finishing my training in ‘Emmett for horses’.


If you are a horse owner, discover how this gentle and safe muscle release therapy can increase movement, improve balance and flexibility and aid in delivering increased performance of your horse (and rider) in all aspects of general or competitive horsemanship.

A muscle restriction in your horse can start with just one small irritation, creating muscle compensation and imbalance effecting your horses performance and well-being.


– Injuries from sport and accidents
– Unbalanced head carriage
– Saddle soreness / girth issues
– Tension in back and lumbar area
– Restricted forward movement
– Standing short or uneven
– Stiff through legs / dragging feet
– Poor performance / behaviour

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"I have had two treatments with Maya Knight. They have been very gentle and created huge shifts in my body. Less pain and the relief is immediate. Highly recommended booking in for at least two sessions."

- Gretta

"Treatments with Maya have been an incredible experience for me. I have always felt like so much has shifted during and after our sessions. I appreciate how insightful and responsive to my particular needs Maya is at each session, and value her clear communication throughout the whole process. Maya has introduced me to Emmett therapy and I couldn't be happier with her practice."

- Sarah

"About 6 months before my first treatment with Maya, my lower back was so bad I had to give up my building work and went into a period of total inactivity just to get some relief from the pain! Even though the pain receded over a period of about 3 months, it was still there whenever I attempted to lift something or if I accidently jarred it. The pain would also wake me early in the morning and demand I get up and move - so annoying!!!
It was about 2 weeks after the session that I realised my back didn't hurt anymore. A friend asked me to help him lift a very heavy steel Ute tray, we were barley able to lift it. Afterwards I realised my back had no pain. I was so amazed!!! AND I can sleep in now.
So, thank you so much Maya for your amazing gift, you have had a very positive impact on my life."

- Michael

"Maya's Emmett sessions are akin to going to a mini retreat. She holds a very lovely and nurturing space throughout the entire process. She is highly intuitive and is able to pick up on old, long-forgotten emotions buried deep. With the combination of the Emmett Technique and her gentle presence, Maya is able to assist in the slow removal of these toxic emotions and allow the body to heal at its own pace.
Maya's approach is amazing. Even though I didn't have any pain, after just one session, I noticed that I was walking and holding my body differently. Because the Emmett Technique is so gentle, I didn't think that it could have possibly such a difference. After the first treatment, my hips were looser and I was able to comfortably play with the kids on the floor. Having moved in the old way for so long, I didn't realise how much I was constantly holding in my body until it was gone.
I would highly recommend Maya to anyone who is curious about the Emmett Technique and would like to experience a treatment. Your body will thank you for it."

- Amy

"My 10 year old daughter has been very pigeon toed since she started walking. The doctors couldn't find any structural issues as her hip x-rays always came back normal. We also tried physiotherapy and got mixed results. Maya worked with her over three session and we started seeing results straight away.
Maya was able to intuitively detect a lot of stored up emotions within my daughter's hip and thigh area. She then, gently and safely released them with the Emmett Technique.
My daughters feet are a lot straighter now when she walks. But the biggest shift we noticed was her confidence levels. After each of the three sessions we noticed her opening up a little bit more to people outside our family, (where she used to find it difficult to say hello to others).
I highly recommend Maya to any parent. My daughter really enjoyed her sessions."

- Gabby

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